Newsletter May 2024

Continue fine-tuning your ability to be present in the NOW. Ground in nature.
Expand your channels of communication. Make big adjustments to your thinking when necessary. Remember:

You are worthy

Believe in yourself

Deadbeat: “person who is not willing to work, does not behave in a responsible way, and does not fit into ordinary society.” Cambridge Dictionary

Newsletter March 2024

Do not fall into the vibe of fear. Your principles are not for sale. The sea is not calm. There are energetic storms. Your boat is at the mercy of the waves. The containers you carry are falling overboard. It creates frustration, helplessness and anger because things are not going as planned. Remember that the goal of this energy is to alleviate the burden of those internal patterns that must be released. It means your obsession with how things should be. It is necessary because otherwise, the boat cannot pass through the storm. It is your shadow that is falling overboard. Allow yourself to feel the pain of separation so you can go through it. Feel the vulnerability. Cry, let your water flow. Allow yourself to be human. This act of self-compassion will improve your connections with the collective.

Let go of the fear of what is going to happen. Connect with your inner child and give some comfort. What was falling was not real and is making space for the new. Let your soul be the leader in this situation.

Sail with humility, integrity, joy, love, and respect. Don’t give up humanity – not now, not yet – and chill out a little more.

Newsletter February 2024

Hold close to your heart a clear vision of what you want and how you want to live it as we cross bridges into a new, more harmonious world. The year of the Wood dragon starts and brings the comeback to life, nature and new elections in the relationships. Dragons are magically enlightened beings that are all-knowing and all-seeing warriors and guardians of the galaxy

A tribute to Takashi Murakami

Newsletter January 2024

Changes coming from air, earth, fire and water are operating and accelerating history. Changes in the body, mind and soul. Changes that are bitter but subtle. Drop by drop, gentle, inconvenient, but efficient. Changes that remind us that separation is an illusion. We are all one.

So, find what you need to stay centred and grounded in times of change and uncertainty. Use the earth, the water, and the lessons you learned in the past years to launch yourself through the air into the new world. Fire your passion, and believe in it.

Newsletter December 2023

The wind blows the boat sails at your back, although great waves impede the advance. Patience, perseverance, and new knowledge will help you move forward. Difficulties will decrease, but be careful with the sirens’ songs because it will be very easy to listen to and get lost in the mist, getting excited with something unreal. Spiritual energy, soul connection, and silence will help you be optimistic without scaping reality. It is essential to sail the boat according to your soul. What the mermaids are trying to say is that the movement, the actions that make the boat move forward, have to be connected with your soul and for the benefit of all.